See how your generous assistance and support can further the mission of City University Schools



The donation of your time to a worthy school project, an after-school program or a one-on-one mentoring relationship with a developing scholar is reciprocally beneficial--for the scholar and you.



The donation of your talent as a motivational speaker, volunteer for a school athletic event or chaperone for an off-campus field experience serves to support the full development of our scholars.



The donation of funds is critical in our efforts to stabilize and sustain the vision/mission of City University Schools. Your monetary donation, regardless of amount, provides assurances that this opportunity remains available to the students of Memphis.

Just as important as funding, is the donation of equipment. Classroom resources, technology components and companion pieces, as well as, supplies for teachers and scholars, are all key to the enhancement of the classroom experience and success of our scholars.


Please consider how valuable your donation is to the priceless future of a City University scholar. To further your interest of donating to City University Schools, please do not hesitate to contact Chancellor, Dr. R. Lemoyne Robinson or Mrs. Felicia Hartsfield. They will assist in ensuring your measure of support is appropriately aligned with your desire and the schools' design.